DeLaval CMT Kit

Infection negative  :-0-200000 cells / ml

Infection trace mastitis :-200000 – 5 cells /ml

Infection clinical mastitis      :- more than 5 million cells/ml

Mastitis Infection:

After milking, the teat end remains opened up to 30 minutes

Mastitis causing pathogens enter through this opening in to udder

They cause Mastitis (udder inflammation)

White blood cells enter into the udder to kill pathogens

More the number of these WBC (Leukocytes) more is infection level 8, loss of milk

Testing Infected milk samples with CMT kit helps checking mastitis level in short time

Benefits to CMT

Very economical and convenient

Milk producer can test his animals at his farm

Results in 10 to 15 seconds

Losses due to mastitis can be avoided

CMT Test Procedure

Strip 2 ml milk in CMT Paddle in each cup Pour 3 ml of reagent in each cup and stir anti clock wise Infected sample will form a thick gel visible easily Record the infected quarters in record sheet.

Benefits Of Using Dipal

Protection from mastitis

Saves on loss of milk

Helps in softening of teat skin

Helps in heating of cracks on teat skin

How To Use

Fill 50 ml of Dipal conc. & 200 ml of clean water in Delaval teat dip cup squeeze the bottle of dip cup & dip the teats of cow immediately after each milking in the solution. This will form a protective layer of Dipal solution on teats & prevent mastitis pathogens entering into udder.


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